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We offer you live chat software to best suit your requirements, open the way to effective and novel customer support services, and ensure a smooth customer experience. Allow your business to flourish with XONChat live chat software!


Frequently asked questions, answered.

XONChat is a well-engineered, integrated live support system with flawless features such as codeless contact form builder, CRM and help desk.
Chat support systems are an engaging communication tool enabled by live chat software. These systems have become an integral part of the customer support systems of the companies looking to exist in the e-commerce world.
Effective communication and customer support are crucial for any business. With live chat software, you can attract the attention of first-time visitors to your platforms and easily engage with your regular customers in a rapid way.
We provide integration for your site. Our JS libraries for integration do all the work for you.
Yes, XONChat has worldwide CDN for your data.
If your account is currently active, please log out. Then, on the login page, click on the "Forgot Password" button and enter your email address. You will receive a password reset link to your email address. By opening this link, you can successfully change your password.
If you forget your email address, you need to contact the XONChat support team.
After registration, no payment or card information is required during the 1-month trial period. Once the trial period ends, payment steps will be processed smoothly on a monthly basis according to the selected package.

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We offer simple and transparent pricing. No hidden charges, no false advertising. Trying XONChat is completely free for all your needs.

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