A Powerful Tool for Managing Customer Relationships

Elevate your customer relationships with effortless precision by monitoring and deciphering their web interactions and behaviors.

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A Powerful Tool for Managing Customer Relationships
Inbox Collaboration

Elevate Customer Experiences

With XonChat CRM, you can harness the power to securely retain customer data, trace sessions, and unveil dialogues. These capabilities seamlessly empower you to orchestrate customer relationships and elevate the realm of customer experience.

Unleash Customer Happiness

XONChat CRM at Your Service

XONChat CRM is a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) tool that can be used to store customer information, track sessions, and view conversations. XONChat CRM provides a better customer experience by recording interactions with customers and helping customer service teams understand and respond to customer requests.

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Unleash Customer Happiness
Storing Customer Information

Storing Customer Information

XONChat CRM can be used to store customer information such as customer names, email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, and birth dates. This information can be used to help customer service teams communicate with customers and provide them with a more personalized experience.

Tracking Sessions

XONChat CRM can be used to track the pages that a customer visits on your website, the time they spend on those pages, and the time they leave your website. This information can be used to monitor the performance of your website and improve the customer experience.

Tracking Sessions
Viewing Conversations

Viewing Conversations

XONChat CRM can be used to view all conversations that a customer has had with your website. This information can be used to help customer service teams understand and respond to customer requests.

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Generating Reports

XONChat CRM can be used to generate reports about customer behavior. These reports can be used to monitor the customer experience and improve the performance of your website.

Customer Growth

XONChat CRM can be used to track customer growth and improve customer acquisition strategies. This information can be used to reduce customer acquisition costs (CAC) and increase customer lifetime value (CLV).

XONChat Dashboard

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